Florist Designed Bouquet™
Florist Designed Bouquet™ from $50.00 $55.00
Let us introduce to you, our designer's choice bouquet! This item is one of our favourite bouquets because we get to use all of our creativity and imagination to surprise the recipient! You leave the creativity to our designers and this is what makes this item unique and valuable. This bouquet is made by our professional florists who will use all of their gifts in the creation of this arrangement. They use the most seasonal, freshest flowers in order to fashion something distinctive and provide you with the best possible value. This means that you will not likely find another arrangement like this; it truly is a one-of-a-kind, piece of art.  We created this item to make the person who is receiving them feel most special: one special bouquet for one special person. It is a rare and wonderful thing!  In order to create this arrangement, we carefully choose from our big selection of imported flowers from South America, specifically Colombia and Ecuador as well as California, Holland, Israel, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. These flowers include, but are not limited to, roses, spray roses, carnations, spray carnations, callas, lilies, daisies, sunflowers, peonies, stock flowers, ranunculus, anemone as well as different varieties of foliage and an even greater selection that comes with the highest standard.  Let our top-notch florists design a bouquet with their freshest seasonal flowers and expertise. We will have an arrangement that’s perfect for any occasion with the freshest flowers available delivered. Why not leave it to the professionals?  Let us surprise your special one with one of these beautiful bouquets! You will not regret it!